
FROM THE DEPTHS OF THE SEA FASCINATED AND MADDENED AT THE SAME TIME, a 6th gra­de class at Frankfurt’s Schillerschule explo­res the mys­te­rious under­wa­ter sea and del­ves into the world of a bra­ve girl who­se fate hangs on the back of a wha­le. At LUCAS, the »Classics.Class« pres­ents the New Zealand film WHALE RIDER.

How do wha­les brea­the and live? And what spe­ci­es of wha­les are the­re any­way? These and other ques­ti­ons move the stu­dents of the Schillerschule. Based on the cur­rent spe­cial exhi­bi­ti­on REPTURE OF THE DEEP. Film under water, they pre­sent the young film clas­sic WHALE RIDER in the DFF cine­ma. Beforehand, they get to the bot­tom of the secrets of the sea during a visit to the Senckenberg Naturmuseum Frankfurt. In accom­pany­ing work­shops, the school class dis­cus­ses with experts the ext­ent to which the wha­le habi­tat on the east coast of New Zealand depic­ted in the film can stand up to sci­en­ti­fic scru­ti­ny. The »Classics.Class« pres­ents its results after the screening.

For the »Classics.Class« film sel­ec­tion and tickets, click here:


NZ/DE 2002. D: Niki Caro.