KAUGUMMI ©Plotlessfilm GbR



Kaugummi. DE 2022. Director: Dascha Petuchow. 29 Min. Short Film. Original Version. Suitable from age 12. 

It’s sum­mer and 16-year-old Tati wants to have fun. With her fri­ends, she chills for hours in the park, drinks beer and goes to house par­ties — or at least tha­t’s how she’d like it. But Tati’s mother makes life dif­fi­cult for her. KAUGUMMI is a Hessian pro­duc­tion. The direc­tor will be pre­sent at the pre­mie­re. (AP)

After the cine­ma pre­mie­re on 8.10., the short film pro­gram­me will be available on LUCAS-Streaming until 23.12.2023.

Extras and Get Involved!

LUCAS im Kino

Educational Material (in German)


2022 KAUGUMMI (short film)
2021 LEERES NEST (short film)

Production Company
Plotlessfilm GbR


Dascha PetuchowDascha Petuchow stu­di­ed com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on design at the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences in Wiesbaden. Since gra­dua­ting, Dascha has been invol­ved in a varie­ty of pro­jects fun­ded by HessenFilm & Medien. In 2021 she co-foun­ded the pro­duc­tion com­pa­ny Plotlessfilm in Wiesbaden.