MANITY ©Les Films de l’Altaï



Mawssam. LB/FR 2022. Director: Hussen Ibraheem. 15 Min. Feature film. Original Version with English sub­tit­les and German voice-over. Suitable from age 6.

Shooting prac­ti­ce and dri­ving les­sons: As his father would have it, Firas should be har­den­ed soo­ner rather than later and emu­la­te sup­po­sedly mas­cu­li­ne ide­als. But does he even want that? (SiS)

After the cine­ma pre­mie­re on 9.10., the short film pro­gram­me will be available on LUCAS-Streaming until 23.12.2023.

Extras and Get Involved!

LUCAS im Kino


LUCAS im Kino

Educational Material (in German)


2022 MANITY (short film)
2013 THE KIDNEY SHAPE STONE (short film)
2012 THE VISITOR (short film) 

Production Company
Les Films de l’Altaï


HUSSEN IBRAHEEM ©Les Films de l’AltaïHussen Ibraheem gra­dua­ted with a degree in inte­ri­or design befo­re tur­ning to film­ma­king. At the Red Sea Institute of Cinematic Arts, a branch of the University of Southern California, he ear­ned an MFA in Film Studies. Hussen curr­ent­ly lives in Beirut and Berlin.