DANCING QUEEN, JUNIORS and SORCERY awarded best films at LUCAS #46

The 46th edi­ti­on of LUCAS – International Festival for Young Film Fans ended on Thursday with a fes­ti­ve award cerem­o­ny: DANCING QUEEN, JUNIORS and SORCERY recei­ved awards as the inter­na­tio­nal best fea­ture-length films for young audi­en­ces. APHONIA was hono­red with the award for excep­tio­nal cine­ma­tic achie­ve­ment — the first time a short film has won this pri­ze. The awards for the best short films go to LA CALESITA and THINGS UNHEARD OF in the »Kids« com­pe­ti­ti­on and ROOM in the »Teens« com­pe­ti­ti­on. Festival direc­tor Julia Fleißig con­gra­tu­la­ted the award win­ners in the DFF Cinema.

Award win­ning films of the fea­ture film competitions

Competition »Kids«

Prize for the best fea­ture film (5,000 €)
DANCING QUEEN (NO 2023. Director: Aurora Gossé)

Twelve-year-old Mina is any­thing but cool. Until now, this has­n’t bothe­red her, but then she falls for her new class­ma­te Edwin, who is a hip hop dancer. To be clo­se to him, she joins a dance crew and from then on thinks of not­hing else. In a fun­ny and thoughtful way, DANCING QUEEN tells how Mina finds hers­elf after a few detours.

Jury state­ment in the »Kids« competition
The film DANCING QUEEN is fun­ny and sad at the same time and tells the sto­ry of a cou­ra­ge­ous girl who pur­sues her dream of dancing despi­te all obs­ta­cles. Mina’s search for reco­gni­ti­on and belon­ging is rou­sing and emo­tio­nal, the actors and actres­ses con­vin­ced us in their acting and during the dance sce­nes we would have lik­ed to dance along. We lear­ned that dancing is good for the brain and you wri­te bet­ter papers if you do some dance moves before­hand. We lik­ed the sen­si­ti­ve came­ra work, which also crea­tes fun­ny sce­nes wit­hout making fun of the characters.

Honorable men­ti­on from the jury in the »Kids« competition
(HU/CZ/SK 2023. Director: Filip Pošivač)

Tony has a spe­cial gift: he glows. But in a house with a mons­ter that spreads bad vibes and dark­ness, he does­n’t have it easy with that. To pro­tect him, his par­ents bare­ly let him out the door — which can be quite stif­ling at times. But when Shelly moves in, brin­ging fan­ta­sy worlds to life with her flash­light, ever­y­thing changes.

Jury state­ment in the »Kids« competition
We can’t fail to men­ti­on a second film that par­ti­cu­lar­ly fasci­na­ted and ama­zed us with its extra­or­di­na­ry ani­ma­ti­on, crea­ti­ve ide­as and a tou­ch­ing sto­ry. With rich­ly detail­ed clay and woo­den pup­pets, colorful paper back­drops and a cave world made of fabric and pil­lows, the film crea­tes magi­cal uni­ver­ses. We real­ly lik­ed the atten­ti­on to detail in the set and cos­tu­me, the mul­ti-laye­red cha­rac­ters and the appro­pria­te and pur­po­seful­ly used music.

Audience Award
(DE 2023. Director: Ekrem Ergün)

At Maxes school ever­y­thing is orde­red by the thick set of rules of the pet­ty-min­ded prin­ci­pal Schnittlich. Fun is for­bidden and nice things end up in the Farbentsafter 2000, which lea­ves only a brown pile. When Maxe cau­ses cha­os, Inspector Rumpus from the bore­dom-fight­ing aut­ho­ri­ty is cal­led into action.

Competition »Teens«

Prize for the best fea­ture film (5,000 €)
JUNIORS (FR 2022. Director: Hugo Thomas)

Jordan is bored with life in the small vil­la­ge of Mornas. His mother is a nur­se and is often absent, so he spends a lot of time with his best fri­end Patrick. Most of the time, the two of them gam­ble on their shared con­so­le, but when it gives up the ghost, they deci­de wit­hout fur­ther ado that Jordan should fake an ill­ness. With the money they coll­ect for him in an online dona­ti­on pool, they plan to buy a new console.

Jury state­ment in the »Teens« competition
The film tre­ats a deli­ca­te sub­ject with sen­si­ti­vi­ty and grace, yet still comes across as fresh and fun­ky. The young jury also prai­ses that the film shows the real con­se­quen­ces of the prot­ago­nist Jordan’s actions and fur­ther­mo­re con­veys that not all sto­ries have a hap­py ending and that we should all stand by the mista­kes we make in life.

Honorable Mention of the Jury in the »Teens« competition
THE SIREN (La Sirène. FR/DE/LU/BE 2023. Director: Sepideh Farsi)

When the First Gulf War beg­ins in 1980 and Iraq bombs the Iranian oil metro­po­lis of Abadan, Omid is just 14 years old. While his mother and youn­ger siblings have alre­a­dy fled, Omid has stay­ed with his grandfather.From then on, he deli­vers food and meets a wide varie­ty of peo­p­le along the way.

Statement of the jury in the »Teens« competition
We have deci­ded to award Sepideh Farsi’s THE SIREN with an hono­rable men­ti­on. The film stands out for its rea­li­stic por­tra­y­al of war and its suc­cessful 3D ani­ma­ti­on, which, alt­hough very colorful, still con­veys a very serious atmosphere.

ECFA Award
NINA AND THE HEDGEHOG’S SECRET (Nina et le secret du héris­son. FR/LU 2023. Directors: Alain Gagnol, Jean-Loup Felicioli)

Ten-year-old Nina loves to lis­ten to her father’s bedti­me sto­ries about a litt­le hedge­hog who dis­co­vers the world. But sin­ce he lost his job at the fac­to­ry, Nina’s world has tur­ned upsi­de down. Supposedly, the mana­ger of the fac­to­ry mani­pu­la­ted the accoun­ting sys­tem, caus­ing the col­lap­se. But rumor has it that the­re is still a small emer­gen­cy reser­ve of money hid­den some­whe­re in the factory.

Statement of the ECFA Jury
We deci­ded to award a film that focu­ses on an important and moving story.This one deals with the uni­ver­sal the­mes of work and job loss, but also with the power of sto­ries and the ima­gi­na­ti­on we need in our lives to dis­co­ver the world around us. Through ori­gi­nal ani­ma­ti­on, the direc­tors crea­te bound­less empa­thy in the view­er and inspi­re hope — through the colors, the cha­rac­ters and the intel­li­gent storytelling.

MOZAIK Bridging The Borders Award (MBTBA)
TOTEM (NL/LU/DE 2022. Director: Sander Burger)

Ama is a child of the water: born ele­ven years ago on the ship to Rotterdam, she is now pre­pa­ring for a swim­ming com­pe­ti­ti­on with her best fri­end Thijs. Her par­ents may be from Senegal, but Ama feels Dutch.But she is not allo­wed to give her address any­whe­re and is not sup­po­sed to talk to the poli­ce under any cir­cum­s­tances. When her fami­ly’s accom­mo­da­ti­on is final­ly dis­co­ver­ed, Ama’s mother and litt­le brot­her are to be deported.

Honorable men­ti­on by the MBTBA Jury
THE WORST ONES (FR 2022. Directors: Lise Akoka, Romane Gueret).

A direc­tor wants to shoot a fea­ture film in the Picasso neigh­bor­hood, a sub­urb of Boulogne-sur-Mer in nor­t­hern France. In search of authen­tic young actors for his pro­ject, he holds a cas­ting ses­si­on at the local school. There he choo­ses Lily, Ryan, Maylis and Jesse, four teen­agers from the neigh­bor­hood who are actual­ly con­fron­ted with com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent pro­blems in their ever­y­day lives.The resi­dents of the sub­urb are both sur­pri­sed and dis­may­ed by his decis­i­on: Why would anyo­ne want to por­tray “the worst” on the big screen?

Competition »Youngsters«

LUCAS »Youngsters« Award (5,000 €)
SORCERY (Brujería. CL/MX/DE 2022. Director: Christopher Murray)

“Fathers die, and I can’t bring anyo­ne back to life.” The mayor of Rosa’s vil­la­ge is no help to the 13-year-old: the Huilliche lives on the Chilean island of Chiloé and beco­mes an orphan when her father is mur­de­red by a German sett­ler. Neither the sta­te nor the church want to offer her jus­ti­ce, but she finds shel­ter with Mateo, who, tog­e­ther with other indi­ge­nous inha­bi­tants of the island, main­ta­ins old tra­di­ti­ons and rituals.

Jury state­ment in the »Youngsters« competition
What real­ly moved us was the way the win­ning film told its his­to­ri­cal sto­ry through poe­tic words. We think it has a solid nar­ra­ti­ve struc­tu­re, an excel­lent way of describ­ing moral­ly gray cha­rac­ters, and incre­di­ble aes­the­tic imagery. Director Christopher Murray has tru­ly out­do­ne hims­elf in brin­ging his cul­tu­re to life for all of us to experience.

Award win­ning films of the short film competitions

Competition »Kids«

Prize for the best short film (2,000 €)
LA CALESITA (AR 2022. Director: Augusto Schillaci)
– German pre­mie­re at LUCAS –

LA CALESITA ©Reel Fx Animation

A spin on the carou­sel puts a smi­le on the faces of young and old. But main­tai­ning it is a hass­le, and adja­cent con­s­truc­tion work threa­tens to push the colorful attrac­tion out of the cityscape.

Statement jury in the »Kids« competition
A beau­tiful­ly desi­gned and moving short film in 3D ani­ma­ti­on about an old man who loses his bel­oved carou­sel becau­se a lar­ge con­s­truc­tion site and gray office buil­dings take its place. The child­ren, now grown up, who used to play on his old carou­sel, come to join him in buil­ding a new carou­sel out of old and new parts. Helping each other, sti­cking tog­e­ther, making space for kids in the city, and not play­ing on the cell pho­ne so much is the mes­sa­ge we lik­ed a lot.

ex aequo:

(Serpêhatiyên Neqewimî. TR 2023. R: Ramazan Kılıç)
– German pre­mie­re at LUCAS –


Ten-year-old Şevîn lives with her fami­ly in the coun­try­si­de. When her grand­mo­ther’s TV dis­ap­pears one day, she does ever­y­thing she can to get her a new one. After all, the TV is her grand­mo­ther’s gate­way to the rest of the world.

Jury state­ment in the »Kids« competition
In impres­si­ve pic­tures, Ramazan Kılıç tells how ten-year-old Şevin mana­ges to gather the vil­la­ge com­mu­ni­ty in front of a home­ma­de TV to hear the news of the day, tell her own sto­ries and lis­ten to songs, so that even her grand­mo­ther smi­les again, that plea­sed us very much, impres­sed us and made us smi­le our­sel­ves. “It’s like that in real life!” said one jury mem­ber. A poe­tic and poli­ti­cal film that addres­ses access to edu­ca­ti­on — espe­ci­al­ly for girls — tells a sto­ry of cohe­si­on and soli­da­ri­ty. Understandable even wit­hout words, only through the power of the actors and actres­ses, the images, the music, rea­li­stic and at the same time full of hope.

»Stadtteiljury« Award
THE STORY OF BODRI (Historien Om Bodri. SE 2022. R: Stina Wirsén)
– German pre­mie­re at LUCAS –

Through the real-life sto­ry of Hedi and her dog Bodri, this film tells of the Holocaust in an acces­si­ble way, wit­hout losing hope.

Competition »Teens«

Prize for the best short film (2,000 €)
ROOM (US 2022. Director: Ian Dani Kim)
– German pre­mie­re at LUCAS –

ROOM ©Ian Dani Kim

Dani is having a hard time with the pan­de­mic and the lock­down that comes with it. Like many other teen­agers, he is strugg­ling with the effects of the pan­de­mic on his men­tal health. He iso­la­tes hims­elf in his room. An extra­or­di­na­ry, auto­bio­gra­phi­cal animation.

Jury state­ment in the »Teens« competition
The film is a very accu­ra­te descrip­ti­on of the lives of many teen­agers during and after the pan­de­mic, so we could real­ly empa­thi­ze with Ian Dani Kim. With his crea­ti­ve way of tel­ling his sto­ry, Kim lea­ves room for the audi­ence to inter­pret. But most of all, we were impres­sed by his detail­ed and thoughtful execution.

Prize for an Extraordinary Cinematic Achievement (2,000 €)
APHONIA (Afonia. PL 2022. R: Marta Z. Nowak)
– German pre­mie­re at LUCAS –

At the boar­ding school for the deaf and hard of hea­ring, a new stu­dent cau­ses asto­nish­ment: sign lan­guage is for­eign to him, he does not express hims­elf ver­bal­ly. Seemingly lost, the audi­ence also puz­zles over signs, reads faces, inter­prets inten­ti­ons and emotions.

Statement of the jury in the »Teens« competition
APHONIA recei­ves the award for excep­tio­nal cine­ma­tic achie­ve­ment for its poe­tic framing, its uni­que approach to deaf­ness and silence, and its sta­ging that invol­ves the audi­ence in the story.