
ROLE IMAGES AND QUEER REPRESENTATION IN THE CHANGE OF TIME: Starting with the cine­ma of the Weimar Republic, a pro­ject group from the IGS Nordend pres­ents how the repre­sen­ta­ti­on of gen­der iden­ti­ties in terms of con­tent and aes­the­tics has deve­lo­ped over more than 100 years. At LUCAS, the »Classics.class« pres­ents the com­pa­ri­son in the con­text of the scree­ning of the Brazilian film ALICE JUNIOR, in which a trans­gen­der teen­ager brings new ener­gy to her con­ser­va­ti­ve school.

In refe­rence to the cur­rent DFF spe­cial exhi­bi­ti­on WEIMAR WEIBLICH. Women and Gender Diversity in Weimar Cinema (1918–1933), the group uses the ear­ly play with gen­der cli­chés in Ernst Lubitsch’s ICH MÖCHTE KEIN MANN SEIN (DE 1918). The visit to the spe­cial exhi­bi­ti­on as well as the vie­w­ing of the film in the DFF cine­ma pro­vi­des the basis for out­lining chan­ges to modern cine­ma in accom­pany­ing work­shop units. Composed of the pro­ject cour­ses “Rex-TV” and “Theatre” from Years 9 and 10, the stu­dents of the IGS Nordend com­bi­ne dif­fe­rent focal points. While the theat­re group focu­ses on scripts and acting, the par­ti­ci­pan­ts in the school tele­vi­si­on pro­ject “Rex-TV” bring media com­pe­tence and an eye for cine­ma­tic pro­duc­tion. The “Klassiker.Klasse” will pre­sent their results after the cine­ma scree­ning of ALICE JUNIOR (BR 2019. D: Gil Baroni). Visits to the scree­nings of both films at the DFF cine­ma are open to the public and can be booked.

For the pro­gram and tickets, click here:


BR 2019. D: Gil Baroni.