ON THE OCCASION OF THE WEEK OF VISION FROM OCTOBER 8 TO 15, LUCAS COOPERATES WITH THE DIALOGMUSEUM FRANKFURT. This coope­ra­ti­on tea­ches in various ways how blind and visual­ly impai­red peo­p­le per­cei­ve films and how they can also expe­ri­ence the visu­al dimen­si­on of a film with the help of an audio description.


A visit to the cine­ma in total darkness?
At the DIALOGMUSEUM, this expe­ri­ence is pos­si­ble from October 11, 2023 to April 4, 2024 in the Dialogue in the Dark expe­ri­ence exhi­bi­ti­on. Here, small groups are gui­ded by blind and visual­ly impai­red gui­des through light­less exhi­bi­ti­on rooms. In the pro­cess, visi­tors dis­co­ver them­sel­ves, their com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on with others and their sur­roun­dings in a com­ple­te­ly new way. The the­mes of blind­ness and visu­al impair­ment, inclu­si­on and empa­thy beco­me imme­dia­te­ly tan­gi­ble, the sen­ses shar­pe­ned. The important role of audio descrip­ti­on, the audi­ble descrip­ti­on of visu­al impres­si­ons for blind or visual­ly impai­red peo­p­le on ano­ther sound­track, will be com­ple­men­ted in the light­less with a spe­cial show on audio descrip­ti­on (admis­si­on to the spe­cial show is free). In the cine­ma room of the light­less exhi­bi­ti­on, an excerpt of the audio descrip­ti­on of a LUCAS film from last year will be shown for groups of children.


In September, LUCAS orga­ni­s­es an audio descrip­ti­on work­shop with a school class. The results will be pre­sen­ted to the public during the fes­ti­val week. All clas­ses from gra­de 7 onwards are wel­co­me. Registration requi­red, free admis­si­on! In the work­shop, stu­dents will deve­lop an audio descrip­ti­on for the LUCAS short film FUCK LES GARS (CA 2019. D: Anthony Coveney). Blind and visual­ly impai­red staff mem­bers of the DIALOGMUSEUM are invol­ved in the pro­cess. The pupils think about their approach tog­e­ther and wri­te a text, which they record them­sel­ves with pro­fes­sio­nal equip­ment. In this way, the school class will chan­ge their per­spec­ti­ve and get to know the pecu­lia­ri­ties of the film expe­ri­ence that ari­se for affec­ted people.

During the fes­ti­val week, the class will then pre­sent the short film with the rea­li­sed audio descrip­ti­on. The scree­ning is inten­ded to bring peo­p­le with and wit­hout visu­al impairm­ents tog­e­ther in the cine­ma audi­to­ri­um. The aim is to crea­te a dia­lo­gue about the class’s expe­ri­en­ces with crea­ting the audio descrip­ti­on and, of cour­se, with the audi­ence about the film and the dif­fe­rent way of per­cei­ving it.

This work­shop is made pos­si­ble by the sup­port of the City of Frankfurt, the Patrons Circle of the DFF and the sound stu­dio FunDeMental. We thank the asso­cia­ti­on Freund:innen der Realität.


More infor­ma­ti­on and tickets:


CA 2018. R: Anthony Coveney.