LUCAS – International Festival for Young Film Lovers

#46 from October 5 to 12, 2023

Lights out and film on at LUCAS #46: From October 5 to 12, Germany’s oldest film fes­ti­val for young audi­en­ces pres­ents award-win­ning cine­ma­tic art for ever­yo­ne from four years old to 18plus. Families and film lovers of all ages can expect out­stan­ding cine­ma expe­ri­en­ces in Frankfurt, Offenbach, and Wiesbaden. School clas­ses, child­ren and youth groups in Germany can also access the short films of the com­pe­ti­ti­on pro­gram­me via video-on-demand.

21 careful­ly cura­ted fea­ture films and a sel­ec­tion of short films (all of them German pre­mie­res) will com­pe­te for the cove­ted LUCAS awards. In addi­ti­on to the com­pe­ti­ti­on pro­gram, LUCAS pres­ents clas­sics of film histo­ry, short film pro­gram­mes for the very youn­gest and other series, some of which are crea­ted by child­ren and young adults. During the fes­ti­val week, a spe­cial focus is on film talks, in which film­ma­kers from all over the world enter into dia­lo­gue with the audience.

Participation at LUCAS means “Get invol­ved!”. As mode­ra­tors, fes­ti­val repor­ters, film cri­tics, jury mem­bers, or cura­tors – young film fans are invi­ted to par­ti­ci­pa­te in a varie­ty of ways throug­hout the festival.

For repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of the film indus­try, con­fe­ren­ces and panel dis­cus­sions take place that deal with topics of film edu­ca­ti­on and cur­rent trends in children’s and youth film production.

LUCAS – International Festival for Young Film Lovers is orga­ni­zed by DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum e.V.

LUCAS Trennung

Competitions & Awards


In the com­pe­ti­ti­on sec­tions »Kids«, »Teens« and »Youngsters«, LUCAS pres­ents a sel­ec­tion of out­stan­ding inter­na­tio­nal fea­ture films, docu­men­ta­ries, ani­ma­ti­ons, and expe­ri­men­tal films. A total of 21 fea­ture-length films and a sel­ec­tion of short films com­pe­te for the cove­ted LUCAS awards.

The fea­ture films have a run­ning time of more than 59 minu­tes and have not yet been shown in German cine­mas. A sel­ec­tion com­mit­tee tra­vels to fes­ti­vals and indus­try mee­tings to sel­ect com­pe­ti­ti­on ent­ries for the sec­tions »Kids«, »Teens« and »Youngsters« from the stron­gest cur­rent pro­duc­tions world­wi­de. It’s not pre­mie­re sta­tus, but qua­li­ty that counts!

With its short film com­pe­ti­ti­on, LUCAS has ear­ned its­elf a spe­cial repu­ta­ti­on in recent years. From the best inter­na­tio­nal sub­mis­si­ons of up to 30 minu­tes run­ning time, a sel­ec­tion com­mit­tee puts tog­e­ther seve­ral com­pe­ti­ti­on pro­grams for the »Kids«, »Teens« and »Youngsters« sec­tions, all of which are German premieres.



  • Best Feature Film (5,000 €) dona­ted by the Sparkassen-Kulturstiftung Hessen-Thüringen
  • Best Short Film (2,000 €)


  • Best Feature Film (5,000 €)
  • Best Short Film (2,000 €)
  • Award for an Outstanding Cinematic Achievement (2,000 €)


  • LUCAS »Youngsters« Award (5,000 €)

All Sections

  • »Stadtteiljury« Award in the Short Film Competition
  • ECFA-Award 
  • Audience Award 
  • MOZAIK Bridging the Borders Award
LUCAS Trennung

Selection Committee

To net­work LUCAS even bet­ter and to streng­then the lively exch­an­ge of the pro­gram the fes­ti­val has appoin­ted a sel­ec­tion com­mit­tee for fea­ture films and one for short films to screen the films and sel­ect them for the sec­tions »Kids«, »Teens« and »Youngsters« In addi­ti­on to Julia Fleißig, Head of LUCAS Film Festival, the com­mis­si­ons are made up of five other pro­ven film experts.

Selection Committee | Feature Film 

Kirsten Taylor
Editor, Film Educator & Author

Kirsten Taylor is an edi­tor at the film edu­ca­ti­on por­tal and a free­lan­ce film edu­ca­tor, among other things for the pro­ject “Seeing Film Classics — Understanding Films,” initia­ted by the German Film Academy, and for the SchulKinoWochen. In addi­ti­on, she wri­tes film reviews and pre­pa­res film app­raisals. One focus of her work is on child­ren’s and youth film.

Stefan Stiletto
Film Educator and Film Journalist

Stefan Stiletto is a film edu­ca­tor, film jour­na­list and edi­tor. He designs and crea­tes film edu­ca­ti­on mate­ri­al, wri­tes for Filmdienst, Kinderfilmwelt, the Kinder- und Jugend-Filmportal and He runs trai­ning cour­ses for mul­ti­pli­ers and work­shops for child­ren and young peo­p­le on all kinds of edu­ca­tio­nal film topics.

Rochus Wolff
Film cri­tic, aut­hor and lecturer

Rochus Wolff is a free­lan­ce film cri­tic and aut­hor; his publi­ca­ti­ons include Kino-Zeit, Filmdienst, Kinderfilmwelt, the Kinder- und Jugendfilmportal and his blog With “33 Best Children’s Films” and “100 Children’s Films for All Days” he has alre­a­dy published two books on child­ren’s films. He also gives work­shops on child­ren’s films and film criticism.

Selection Committee | Short Film 

Holger Twele
Journalist and Film Educator

Holger Twele is a free­lan­ce film jour­na­list and film edu­ca­tor and has work­ed for many years for the Bundesverband Jugend und Film, the Deutsche Kinder- und Jugendfilmzentrum and the Bundeszentrale für poli­ti­sche Bildung, among others.

Dr. Ursula Vossen
Producer & Author / HessenInvestFilm

Dr. Ursula Vossen has long-stan­ding expe­ri­ence as a pro­du­cer for tele­vi­si­on and film as well as in film pro­mo­ti­on. She is the aut­hor of num­e­rous books and artic­les on film studies.

LUCAS Trennung


The juries of the com­pe­ti­ti­ons »Kids« and »Teens« are equal­ly com­po­sed of young film fans and indus­try pro­fes­sio­nals. They deci­de on the awar­ding of five LUCAS pri­zes in the com­pe­ti­ti­ons »Kids« and »Teens«. A jury of young European film enthu­si­asts reward the LUCAS Youngsters Award to a film in the »Youngsters« section.

An ECFA jury also awards an ECFA Award in the »Kids« sec­tion, sin­ce 2018 Cinema wit­hout Borders has award­ed a pri­ze to a com­pe­ti­ti­on film and the audi­ence award is deci­ded by the fes­ti­val visitors.

Jury Competition »Kids«

Oskar, Mitglied der Jury Wettbewerb »Kids«

Oskar Fink (12)
Carl-Schulz-Schule, Frankfurt


Oskar ima­gi­nes jury work at LUCAS to be cool and fun, becau­se he loves to speak his mind and dis­cuss with his peers. Most of the time he wat­ches films that are about fan­ta­sy and action — tha­t’s why the works of Hayao Miyazaki are among his favou­ri­te films. For him to real­ly like a film, it must not only be exci­ting and visual­ly appe­al­ing, but also show diver­se cha­rac­ters, for exam­p­le with a disability.

Zoë, Mitglied der Jury Wettbewerb »Kids«

Zoë Kami Holmes (12)
Heinrich-von-Kleist-Schule, Eschborn


Zoë appli­ed for the jury becau­se she likes try­ing new things, wat­ching films with others and exchan­ging ide­as about them. She is also a fan­ta­sy fan, but for Zoë, humour should not be negle­c­ted in a good film. Her favou­ri­te thing is to go to the cine­ma with her fri­ends, the only thing that annoys her is the adver­ti­sing. She would like to see more sto­ries from South Korea on the big screen. It’s just as well that Zoë has alre­a­dy lear­ned a litt­le Korean.

Emma, Mitglied der Jury Wettbewerb »Kids«

Emma Kovacevic (11)
Elisabethenschule, Frankfurt


When Emma was asked by her mother if she wan­ted to be on the LUCAS jury, her first reac­tion was an exci­ted “Yaaa!”. She is a film fan becau­se she likes to put hers­elf in the shoes of dif­fe­rent cha­rac­ters and alre­a­dy dreams of beco­ming an actress one day. She pre­fers wat­ching films in the cine­ma to sit­ting on the sofa at home, becau­se the halls and pro­jec­tors are big­ger the­re — and of cour­se becau­se the­re is pop­corn. But it must only be salty.

Lisa Hausmann, Mitglied der Jury Wettbewerb »Kids«

Lisa Haußmann (Germany)
Film agent and curator


Lisa Haußmann stu­di­ed film and media stu­dies in Germany, France and the Netherlands. As a free­lan­ce film edu­ca­tor, she mode­ra­tes film talks and work­shops for young and old cine­­ma-goers, cura­tes for film fes­ti­vals and con­fe­ren­ces and lec­tures on film edu­ca­ti­on topics. She is a mem­ber of the advi­so­ry board of the EZEF, an hono­ra­ry exami­ner for the FSK and has been the direc­tor of the SchulKinoWochen in Berlin sin­ce 2015.

Nicole, Mitglied der Jury Wettbewerb »Kids«

Nicole Kellerhals (Germany)
Dramaturg, pro­du­cer and lecturer


Nicole Kellerhals has been a free­lan­ce dra­ma­tur­ge at X‑Filme for more than 25 years, whe­re she has alre­a­dy super­vi­sed pro­jects by Tom Tykwer, Michael Haneke and Oskar Roehler. As a mem­ber of num­e­rous com­mit­tees such as the board of trus­tees of the Förderverein Deutscher Kinderfilm (German Children’s Film Association), she is com­mit­ted to media offe­rings spe­ci­fi­cal­ly tail­o­red to child­ren and the pro­mo­ti­on of media com­pe­tence. Since 2017 she has been tea­ching Practical Dramaturgy at the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF.

Christian Kosfeld, Mitglied der Jury Wettbewerb »Kids«

Christian Kosfeld (Germany)
Film agent, jour­na­list and producer


Christian Kosfeld first stu­di­ed clas­si­cal per­cus­sion in Leipzig, then German stu­dies, musi­co­lo­gy and medieval stu­dies in Bochum. In addi­ti­on to his work as a radio jour­na­list, aut­hor and pro­du­cer for ARD Kultur, he has been rea­li­sing media edu­ca­ti­on school pro­jects at secon­da­ry and com­pre­hen­si­ve schools sin­ce 2007. He is co-deve­­lo­­per of the inclu­si­ve audio descrip­ti­on and film edu­ca­ti­on pro­ject “Junge Filmbeschreiber:innen”.

Jury Competition »Teens«

Lilli, Mitglied der Jury Wettbewerb »Teens«

Lilli Dressler (16)
Carl-Schurz-Schule, Frankfurt


When Lilli sits in the cine­ma seat, she gets goo­se­bumps on her arms and looks for­ward to an exci­ting sto­ry full of emo­tio­nal moments. Her favou­ri­te film is MAMMA MIA! (US/GB/DE 2008. Director: Phyllida Lloyd), becau­se the good humour in it is sim­ply infec­tious. Successful came­ra work and con­vin­cing acting per­for­man­ces are espe­ci­al­ly important to her. In the LUCAS pro­gram­me, she looks for­ward to films with a cur­rent relevance.

Jan-Ole, Mitglied der Jury Wettbewerb »Teens«

Jan-Ole Schenk (15)
Gymnasium Johanneum, Lüneburg


Jan-Ole takes the lon­gest way to meet other film enthu­si­asts for the LUCAS fes­ti­val week. He not only enjoys wat­ching films, but also wri­tes scripts and makes short films hims­elf. His favou­ri­te film is Akira Kurosawa’s THE SEVEN SAMURAI (JP 1954), which he admi­res for its nar­ra­ti­ve struc­tu­re. In a good film, Jan-Ole belie­ves that the trades of came­ra, acting and script have to work well together.

Vitalij, Mitglied der Jury Wettbewerb »Teens«

Vitalij Schupp (14)
Rackow-Schule, Frankfurt


When wat­ching films, Vitalij pays atten­ti­on not only to acting and came­ra work, but also to the film music. He is fasci­na­ted by films that give a deep insight into the human psy­che and depict social pro­blems. This is why he also app­re­cia­tes Bong Joon-ho’s PARASITE (SK 2019). He is loo­king for­ward to spen­ding a lot of time in the cine­ma during the fes­ti­val week, as film thea­tres exu­de a “cer­tain atmo­sphe­re” for him.

Ralitsa Assenova, Mitglied der Jury Wettbewerb »Teens«

Ralitsa Assenova (Bulgaria)
Film agent and curator


After stu­dy­ing theat­re and film stu­dies and European cul­tu­ral poli­cy in Paris and Bologna, Ralitsa Assenova com­ple­ted her doc­to­ra­te in the field of film edu­ca­ti­on. She is one of the foun­ders of the Arte Urbana Collectif in Sofia, Bulgaria, is the initia­tor of the film edu­ca­ti­on pro­ject “Cinema in School” and has cura­ted num­e­rous pro­gram­mes of Bulgarian films for fes­ti­vals in France, Portugal and Poland.

Julia, Mitglied der Jury Wettbewerb »Teens«

Julia Jarl (Sweden)
Festival Director BUFF Malmö


Julia Jarl has work­ed at BUFF, the International Children’s and Youth Film Festival in Malmö, Sweden, sin­ce 2007 and took over the posi­ti­on of fes­ti­val direc­tor the­re at the end of 2012. Before that, she was head of edu­ca­ti­on at the regio­nal film fund Film i Skåne and pro­ject mana­ger at Fonds Film Stockholm. She belie­ves that film expe­ri­en­ces can help young peo­p­le broa­den their view and bet­ter under­stand the world around them.

Michael von Ostade

Michael Van Ostade (Belgium)
Filmmaker, aut­hor and video game developer


Michael Van Ostade star­ted his crea­ti­ve care­er in the music indus­try befo­re they stu­di­ed film and won the Wildcard Award of the Nederlands Film Festival. With the pri­ze money he made the short film DANCE MACABRE. In 2022, they pre­sen­ted their direc­to­ri­al debut THE GHASTLY BROTHERS at LUCAS. He is curr­ent­ly working on a video game for mil­le­ni­als and an antho­lo­gy of Flemish hor­ror stories.

Jury Competition »Youngsters«

Maria, Mitglied der Jury Wettbewerb »Youngster«

Maria Ferreira (20, Portugal)


Maria firm­ly belie­ves that films can chan­ge many peo­p­le’s per­spec­ti­ves. She would love to meet Albus Dumbledore in real life, becau­se he is a sen­si­ti­ve, intel­li­gent and mode­st per­son and finds the right words for every moment. Maria will not meet the for­mer head­mas­ter of Hogwarts at LUCAS, but she will meet other young film fans. She is alre­a­dy loo­king for­ward to the exch­an­ge with them.

Aaron, Mitglied der Jury Wettbewerb »Youngsters«

Aaron Thor Härm (21, Estonia)


The fact that Aaron is an avid cine­­ma-goer is not only evi­dent from his room, who­se walls he has wall­pa­pe­red with film pos­ters: Often, the cha­rac­ters he recent­ly found gre­at even influence his style of dress and man­ner of spea­king. He loves films for hel­ping him switch off and con­nect with the world at the same time. He recent­ly star­ted stu­dy­ing film in Tallinn.

Linus, Mitglied der Jury Wettbewerb »Youngster«

Linus Hoder (17, Germany)


Linus also wants to work in the film indus­try one day. For a film to stay in his memo­ry, it has to take him away from rea­li­ty for its dura­ti­on and show him some­thing com­ple­te­ly new and unu­su­al. Linus is also a gre­at lover of tra­gi­co­me­dies, becau­se they com­bi­ne two important ele­ments for him: Wit and a gre­at emo­tio­nal drop. He is alre­a­dy very exci­ted about the films he will see at LUCAS.

Maibritt, Mitglied der Jury Wettbewerb »Youngster«

Maibritt Kilu (17, Estonia)


Maibritt espe­ci­al­ly app­re­cia­tes films with a strong sto­ry and detail­ed cha­rac­ters. She belie­ves that peo­p­le can learn all kinds of things in the cine­ma — it just depends on what the par­ti­cu­lar film wants to teach. There’s also an important les­son in her favo­ri­te movie quo­te from Hayao Miyazaki’s PORCO ROSSO (JP 1992), an ani­ma­ted film by Japanese stu­dio Ghibli: “Better a pig than a fascist.”

Caroline, Mitglied der Jury Wettbewerb »Youngster«

Caroline Kleffmann (17, Germany)


Coffee with Greta Gerwig and Wes Anderson? Caroline would be the­re in a heart­beat, becau­se she admi­res both direc­tors for their uni­que film styl­es. But first she has to find a free date: When Caroline isn’t wri­ting screen­plays, she wat­ches movies with her fri­ends and fami­ly. During the fes­ti­val week, she looks for­ward to many coming-of-age films, as she often reco­gni­zes hers­elf in their stories.

Ana, Mitglied der Jury Wettbewerb »Youngster«

Ana Rodrigues (21, Portugal)


The moving image also plays a major role in Ana’s life: in her film stu­dies she lear­ns not only about histo­ry, but also about the tech­ni­cal side of the medi­um. One film that has remain­ed par­ti­cu­lar­ly memo­rable for her is THE CLUB OF DEAD LIGHTS (US 1989. Director: Peter Weir) with Robin Williams, who as tea­cher John Keating has an important mes­sa­ge for his stu­dents: “Carpe Diem, sei­ze the day, guys, make your life extraordinary!”


The jury of the European Children’s Film Association (ECFA) con­sists of European experts from the child­ren’s and youth film sce­ne. This year Ralitsa Assenova and Julia Jarl (both Jury Competition »Teens«) tog­e­ther with Noy Levin (Artistic Director of the Tel Aviv International Children’s Film Festival, Israel) pre­sent the ECFA Award to their favou­ri­te European child­ren’s film. The award qua­li­fies the films for the annu­al com­pe­ti­ti­on for the “Best European Children’s Film of the Year” award, which is pre­sen­ted during the Berlin International Film Festival.

Noy Levin

Noy Levin (Israel)
Art Director of the Tel Aviv International Children’s Film Festival


Noy Levin stu­di­ed film at the Steve Tisch School of Film and Television at Tel Aviv University and has direc­ted short films and child­ren’s plays. Noy also cura­tes cul­tu­ral events and is a lec­tu­rer in film and animation.

Ralitsa Assenova, Mitglied der Jury Wettbewerb »Teens«

Ralitsa Assenova (Bulgaria)
Film agent and curator


After stu­dy­ing theat­re and film stu­dies and European cul­tu­ral poli­cy in Paris and Bologna, Ralitsa Assenova com­ple­ted her doc­to­ra­te in the field of film edu­ca­ti­on. She is one of the foun­ders of the Arte Urbana Collectif in Sofia, Bulgaria, is the initia­tor of the film edu­ca­ti­on pro­ject “Cinema in School” and has cura­ted num­e­rous pro­gram­mes of Bulgarian films for fes­ti­vals in France, Portugal and Poland.

Julia, Mitglied der Jury Wettbewerb »Teens«

Julia Jarl (Sweden)
Festival Director BUFF Malmö


Julia Jarl has work­ed at BUFF, the International Children’s and Youth Film Festival in Malmö, Sweden, sin­ce 2007 and took over the posi­ti­on of fes­ti­val direc­tor the­re at the end of 2012. Before that, she was head of edu­ca­ti­on at the regio­nal film fund Film i Skåne and pro­ject mana­ger at Fonds Film Stockholm. She belie­ves that film expe­ri­en­ces can help young peo­p­le broa­den their view and bet­ter under­stand the world around them.

Cinema Without Borders

»Cinema Without Borders« is an inter­na­tio­nal net­work of peo­p­le from the film indus­try that pro­mo­tes diver­si­ty, inclu­si­on and social jus­ti­ce in film indus­try. “Cinema Without Borders annu­al­ly pres­ents the »MOZAIK Bridging the Borders Award« at sel­ec­ted film fes­ti­vals. The award reco­gni­zes films that con­nect peo­p­le across geo­gra­phic, reli­gious, eth­nic, cul­tu­ral and eco­no­mic boun­da­ries and address issues of social justice.

The mem­bers of the »Cinema Without Borders« Jury 2023 are: Susan Morgan Cooper, Vladek Juszkiewicz, Chale Nafus, Bijan Tehrani, James Ulmer.

»Stadtteiljury« Höchst

The »Stadtteiljury« is made up of young peo­p­le aged ten and over from one of Frankfurt’s neigh­bour­hoods. This year the jury was for­med in Höchst. During a one-week work­shop, the child­ren and young peo­p­le prepa­re for their jury work during the fes­ti­val week. At the end of the fes­ti­val, they sel­ect a win­ning film from the short film com­pe­ti­ti­on. The pro­ject offers the oppor­tu­ni­ty to com­bi­ne a view of film with various cul­tu­ral, artis­tic and crea­ti­ve forms of expres­si­on. This includes film reviews, pod­casts, inter­views and much more. Frankfurt’s young, diver­se voices thus get the hea­ring they deser­ve. The »Stadtteiljury« pro­ject is made pos­si­ble by the Hessian Ministry of Culture with funds from the Löwenstark — der BildungsKICK programme.

LUCAS Trennung

Film Guests

LUCAS wel­co­mes num­e­rous film guests on site in the four fes­ti­val cine­mas. All film scree­nings are accom­pa­nied by film media­tors. In addi­ti­on, »Filmtalks in Advance« will be held on the com­pe­ti­ti­on films as part of a »Get Involved!« pro­ject. Young LUCAS alum­ni inter­view inter­na­tio­nal film­ma­kers in the TV stu­dio of the Medienprojektzentrum Offener Kanal Rhein-Main.

The film guests for LUCAS #46 will be added here on an ongo­ing basis.

FR, Oct. 6, 2023 
Sepideh Farsi ©Nov Bovary
©Nov Bovary

Sepideh Farsi
Director of the film THE SIREN (Competition »Teens« | Feature Film)

Guest online:
11:15 a.m. | Cinéma

©Studio Niloc

Colin Ludvic Racicot
Director of the short film WHERE RABBITS COME FROM (Competition »Teens« | Short Film)

2 p.m. | DFF Cinema

SA, Oct. 7, 2023 
Sepideh Farsi ©Nov Bovary
©Nov Bovary

Sepideh Farsi
Director of the film THE SIREN (Competition »Teens« | Feature Film)

Guest online:
11:15 a.m. | Cinéma

Ole van Hoogdalem ©Volya FIlms
©Volya FIlms

Ole van Hoogdalem
Actor in the film TOTEM (Competition »Kids« | Feature Film)

1 p.m. | DFF Cinema

SO, Oct. 8, 2023 
Karla Holmbäck
©Robin Skjoldborg

Karla Holmbäck
Director of the film ROSA AND THE STONE TROLL (Competition »Kids« | Feature Film)

Guest online:
10 a.m. | DFF Cinema

Dascha Petuchow
©Dascha Petuchow

Dascha Petuchow
Director of the short film KAUGUMMI (Competition »Teens« | short film)

10:30 a.m. | Cinéma

Ekrem Ergün ©
Ekrem Ergün ©Storming Donkey Productions und TOBIS/Fotos: Carolin Ubl

Ekrem Ergün
Director of the film DIE UNLANGWEILIGSTE SCHULE DER WELT (Competition »Kids« | Feature Film)

2:30 p.m. | Caligari FilmBühne

Lucas Herzog
©Next Generation

Lucas Herzog
Actor in the film DIE UNLANGWEILIGSTE SCHULE DER WELT (Competition »Kids« | Feature Film)

2:30 p.m. | Caligari FilmBühne

MO, Oct. 9, 2023 
Ekrem Ergün ©
Ekrem Ergün ©Storming Donkey Productions und TOBIS/Fotos: Carolin Ubl

Ekrem Ergün
Director of the film DIE UNLANGWEILIGSTE SCHULE DER WELT (Competition »Kids« | Feature Film)

8:45 a.m. | Cinéma
11:15 a.m. | Kino im Hafen 2

Lucas Herzog
©Next Generation

Lucas Herzog
Actor in the film DIE UNLANGWEILIGSTE SCHULE DER WELT (Competition »Kids« | Feature Film)

8:45 a.m. | Cinéma
11:15 a.m. | Kino im Hafen 2

TU, Oct. 10, 2023 
Hugo Thomas
©Simon Véniel

Hugo Thomas
Director of the film JUNIORS (Competition »Teens« | Feature Film)

8:30 a.m. | Cinéma

Ekrem Ergün ©
Ekrem Ergün ©Storming Donkey Productions und TOBIS/Fotos: Carolin Ubl

Ekrem Ergün
Director of the film DIE UNLANGWEILIGSTE SCHULE DER WELT (Competition »Kids« | Feature Film)

11:15 a.m. | Cinéma

Lucas Herzog
©Next Generation

Lucas Herzog
Actor in the film DIE UNLANGWEILIGSTE SCHULE DER WELT (Competition »Kids« | Feature Film)

11:15 a.m. | Cinéma

Serkan Kaya
©Tim Dobrovolny

Serkan Kaya
Actor in the film DIE UNLANGWEILIGSTE SCHULE DER WELT (Competition »Kids« | Feature Film)

11:15 a.m. | Cinéma

Steph Taibi

Steph Taibi
Protagonist of the film DER WEG VON HAND UND FUSS (Cooperation with BJF)

4:30 p.m. | DFF Cinema

Barbara Englert
©Alexander Paul Englert, Quelle: Edition Faust

Barbara Englert
Director of the film DER WEG VON HAND UND FUSS (Cooperation with BJF)

4:30 p.m. | DFF Cinema

Pola Sell
©Pola Sell

Pola Sell
Director of the film DER WEG VON HAND UND FUSS (Cooperation with BJF)

4:30 p.m. | DFF Cinema

Denisa Buranova
Quelle: Ostrava Kamera Oko

Denisa Buranova
Director of Photography of the film TONY, SHELLY AND THE MAGIC LIGHT (Competition »Kids« | Feature Film)

8:45 a.m. | DFF Cinema

WE, Oct. 11, 2023 
Hugo Thomas
©Simon Véniel

Hugo Thomas
Director of the film JUNIORS (Competition »Teens« | Feature Film)

11:15 a.m. | Cinéma

Michael Schmidt
©Michael Schmidt

Michael Schmidt
FSK, par­ti­ci­pant of the panel dis­cus­sion Angst und Grusel für Kinder – Horrorfilme für jun­ges Publikum

Zu Gast im Kino:
4 p.m. | DFF Cinema

Mariam Draeger
©Mariam Draeger

Mariam Draeger
Headcinema Productions, par­ti­ci­pant of the panel dis­cus­sion Angst und Grusel für Kinder – Horrorfilme für jun­ges Publikum

Zu Gast im Kino:
4 p.m. | DFF Cinema

Margret Albers

Margret Albers
Project Manager at Förderverein Deutscher Kinderfilm, pre­sen­ter of the panel dis­cus­sion Angst und Grusel für Kinder – Horrorfilme für jun­ges Publikum

Zu Gast im Kino:
4 p.m. | DFF Cinema

Michael von Ostade
Foto: Michael van Ostade, Quelle: DFF

Michael Van Ostade
Belgian film­ma­ker (e.g. THE GHASTLY BROTHERS), par­ti­ci­pant of the panel dis­cus­sion Angst und Grusel für Kinder – Horrorfilme für jun­ges Publikum

Zu Gast im Kino:
4 p.m. | DFF Cinema

Stefan Stiletto

Stefan Stiletto
Author and Film Educator, par­ti­ci­pant of the panel dis­cus­sion Angst und Grusel für Kinder – Horrorfilme für jun­ges Publikum

Zu Gast im Kino:
4 p.m. | DFF Cinema

Denisa Buranova
Quelle: Ostrava Kamera Oko

Denisa Buranova
Director of Photography of the film TONY, SHELLY AND THE MAGIC LIGHT (Competition »Kids« | Feature Film)

11 a.m. | Cinéma

TH, Oct. 12, 2023 
Mariloup Wolfe
©Christal Films Productions

Mariloup Wolfe
Director of the film BILLIE BLUE (Competition »Teens« | Feature Film)

Guest online:
11 a.m. | Cinéma

Sarah-Maude Beauchesne
©Gaelle Leroyer, Quelle: agence mva

Sarah-Maude Beauchesne
Screenwriter of the film BILLIE BLUE (Competition »Teens« | Feature Film)

Guest online:
11 a.m. | Cinéma

Liliane Skelly
©Agence Marie-Ève Lafond

Liliane Skelly
Actress in the film BILLIE BLUE (Competition »Teens« | Feature Film)

Guest online:
11 a.m. | Cinéma

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