Negative Numbers. GE/FR/IT 2019. Director: Uta Beria. Screenplay: Uta Beria. 110 min. Feature film. OV w/Eng. sub. FSK 16. Recommended from age 16.

A juve­ni­le detenti­on cen­ter in the Georgian city of Tbilisi in the ear­ly 2000s: Nika beco­mes the lea­der of his pri­son wing through vio­lence and extor­ti­on. After his time in pri­son a care­er as a gangs­ter beck­ons, if he can con­vin­ce his fel­low inma­tes for a pri­son revolt. However, two for­mer rug­by play­ers thwart his plans. With their rug­by trai­ning, they offer young offen­ders an alter­na­ti­ve to clan men­ta­li­ty and cor­rup­ti­on. The team sport crea­tes a team spi­rit among the youths that makes the revolt fade into the background.

Dates and cine­ma tickets

FR, 7.10. | 6 p.m. | DFF Cinema

This film is part of the Young European Cinephiles sel­ec­tion

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