DON’T JUST SIT THERE AND WATCH – »GET INVOLVED!«This is your oppor­tu­ni­ty to take part in hands-on pro­jects befo­re, during and after the fes­ti­val week. »GET INVOLVED!« is about expe­ri­en­cing and under­stan­ding films in a par­ti­ci­pa­to­ry way. In its 44th edi­ti­on the many work­shops and events will most­ly be able to take place in per­son. 

What is »GET INVOLVED!«?

Our own film sel­ec­tion, our pre­sen­ta­ti­on, my film review: The par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on of young peo­p­le is very important to LUCAS. Regardless if you’re a new cine­ma lover or a pas­sio­na­te cine­phi­le from Frankfurt, the Rhein-Main area or Europe, school clas­ses or fes­ti­val guests – the­re are sui­ta­ble »GET INVOLVED!« pro­jects for anyo­ne who wants to get in touch with the medi­um of film. You can have exci­ting dis­cus­sions with film­ma­kers on eye level, in which you can explo­re why and how cine­ma lets us expe­ri­ence new worlds. »MITMISCHEN!« allows young peo­p­le to rea­li­ze many things about them­sel­ves and the world by expe­ri­en­cing inter­na­tio­nal film cul­tu­re in a col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve set­ting. LUCAS puts an empha­sis on film liter­acy pro­jects, in which film lovers have an oppor­tu­ni­ty to explo­re their own ide­as, work methods and decis­i­ons whilst also deal­ing films in eit­her playful, ana­ly­ti­cal, par­ti­ci­pa­to­ry or intui­ti­ve ways.  

Contact and Consultation:
Tel: +49 (0)69 961 220 – 672

LUCAS Trennung

Film Talks In Advance

Quiet on set, we’re asking the ques­ti­ons! In the TV stu­dio of the Medienprojektzentrum Offener Kanal Rhein-Main (MOK) young peo­p­le inter­view film­ma­kers who­se films are in the LUCAS com­pe­ti­ti­on. Ahead of time the­se upco­ming inter­view­ers get to prepa­re for their inter­views in work­shops by thin­king about  important ques­ti­ons to ask: Where did this sto­ry come from? What do cer­tain things stand for in the film? How did the actors prepa­re for their role? The pre-recor­ded Q&A is then available to watch during the fes­ti­val week in the locas cable net­work pro­gram of the MOK, in the Mediathek Hessen and on our fes­ti­val home­page. 

Click here to watch this edition’s Film Talks in Advance.

LUCAS Trennung


Which movie is gre­at, which isn’t – and abo­ve all: why? Writing reviews means for­mu­la­ting your own opi­ni­on in a sty­li­sti­cal­ly con­fi­dent and con­vin­cing way, and this is exact­ly what the Critics pro­gram is all about. At the fes­ti­val, the par­ti­ci­pan­ts first view seve­ral com­pe­ti­ti­on films and then get to the bot­tom of their con­tent and aes­the­tic design in work­shops with film edu­ca­tor Lara Verschragen. The resul­ting reviews will be published dai­ly on the LUCAS website.

Take part and recei­ve your free fes­ti­val pass!

Age group for LUCAS #46: 13 to 16 years

Click here for the cur­rent film reviews of LUCAS #46 (in German)

Here you can read the film reviews of the last years (in German):
LUCAS #45 (2022)
LUCAS #44 (2021)

LUCAS Trennung


The »Stadtteiljury« (English: “dis­trict jury”) is for­med every year in a dif­fe­rent Frankfurt neigh­bor­hood, the open offer is direc­ted to child­ren and young peo­p­le who learn to express them­sel­ves in the pro­ject as dif­fer­ent­ly as they are. This year, the »Stadtteiljury« comes from Höchst. For this, LUCAS is working tog­e­ther with the Jugend- und Kulturzentrum Höchst (JuKuZ).
Anyone bet­ween the ages of ten and 14 can take part. The pro­ject beg­ins with a work­shop week during the sum­mer vaca­ti­ons from July 24 to 28 at the Jugend- und Kulturzentrum Höchst. There, the par­ti­ci­pan­ts will watch short films, prac­ti­se a pre­cise, ana­ly­ti­cal view of film, deci­de tog­e­ther on eva­lua­ti­on cri­te­ria, deal with Web 2.0 for­mats for their film reviews: pod­casts, inter­views, vlogs and much more. During the fes­ti­val, the »Stadtteiljury« then wat­ches short film pro­grams from the com­pe­ti­ti­on, deba­tes opi­ni­ons, deci­des on its win­ning film and pres­ents it via mul­ti­me­dia lau­da­ti­on at the offi­ci­al award cerem­o­ny. The crow­ning glo­ry: the »Stadtteiljury« pres­ents its work and the win­ning film after LUCAS in Höchst. The »Stadtteiljury« pro­ject is made pos­si­ble by the Hessian Ministry of Culture with funds from the Löwenstark — der BildungsKICK program.

Registration until July 17, 2023:
Key Word: Stadtteiljury

For the mul­ti­me­dia film-reviews of the »Stadtteiljurys« of for­mer fes­ti­val edi­ti­ons (in German), click here.

LUCAS Trennung

Young European Cinephiles

The »Young European Cinephiles« are an annu­al­ly chan­ging group of young film-loving Europeans who cura­te and pre­sent their own film series — and thus bring a young, inter­na­tio­nal atti­tu­de to life at LUCAS.

As part of this »Get invol­ved!« pro­ject, six young peo­p­le who have alre­a­dy been invol­ved in pro­jects at other European film fes­ti­vals, cine­ma­the­ques or film insti­tu­ti­ons net­work in the months lea­ding up to the fes­ti­val. During LUCAS, the YECs pre­sent their film series, which they have cura­ted inde­pendent­ly accor­ding to a spe­ci­fic the­me or genre.

This year, teen­agers and young adults from Kosovo, Slovenia and Germany are on fire for an inten­si­ve exch­an­ge. The the­me of the Cinephiles for LUCAS #46: “Identity”!

More about the »Young European Cinephiles« and their film series.


SI 2022. D: Dominik Mencej.


XK/CH/AL/MK 2021. D: Blerta Basholli.


SE 1998. D: Lukas Moodysson.