Eröffnung des 46. LUCAS-Filmfestivals

Opening Ceremony of the 46th LUCAS Film Festival

When: DO, 5.10. | 6 p.m.
Where: DFF Cinema
Followed by a reception


Kick-off for eight days of award-wort­hy film­ma­king for young film fans!

Insight into the pro­gram, film clips and spo­ken con­tri­bu­ti­ons by:

Video mes­sa­ge by Mike Josef, Mayor of the City of Frankfurt and patron of LUCAS
Ayse Asar, State Secretary in the Hessian Ministry of Science and Art
Ina Hauck, City Councillor of the City of Frankfurt
Adnan Shaikh, Mayor of the City of Eschborn
Ellen Harrington, Director of the DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Julia Fleißig, Festival Director of LUCAS — International Festival for Young Film Fans
Greeting of the LUCAS juries as well as the “Young European Cinephiles

Afterwards, Dominik Mencej’s film RIDERS (SI 2022) will open the 46th fes­ti­val edi­ti­on at 8:30 pm. The Slovenian road movie is part of the film series of the “Young European Cinephiles,” six film-loving young peo­p­le who have cura­ted three films on the the­me of “iden­ti­ty.” Tickets for the ope­ning film are available here.