Panel Discussion: Fear and Scare for Children – Horror Films for Young Audiences

When: WE, Oct. 11 | 4 p.m.
Where: DFF Cinema

They are among us! Monsters, ali­ens and the undead have long sin­ce found their way into films for child­ren. Alongside moments of paro­dy, in which the tech­ni­ques used to gene­ra­te sus­pen­se in hor­ror films are mere­ly imi­ta­ted and iro­ni­cal­ly bro­ken, the­re are now many child­ren’s films that take hor­ror the­mes real­ly serious­ly and adapt them for the young tar­get group. This is some­ti­mes a chall­enge for the pro­tec­tion of minors, but an enrich­ment for young cine­ma-goers. The panel will explo­re the ques­ti­ons: What hor­ror ele­ments are the­re in child­ren’s films? What makes them so appe­al­ing, what effect do they have on child­ren? What can a young audi­ence expect?

Invited are:
Michael Van Ostade (Belgian film­ma­ker, e.g. THE GHASTLY BROTHERS), Mariam Draeger (Headcinema Productions, Frankfurt), Michael Schmidt (FSK) and Stefan Stiletto (aut­hor and film educator)

Margret Albers (pro­ject mana­ger at Förderverein Deutscher Kinderfilm)

The dis­cus­sion will be held in German. (English trans­la­ti­on available)

The recording of the panel is now available on the LUCAS YouTube channel (in German):