Dear media repre­sen­ta­ti­ves, 

We look for­ward to your report­ingcovera­ge, which we will glad­ly sup­port as much as pos­si­ble. Press accre­di­ta­ti­on is free of char­ge. Interview requests and logi­sti­cal mat­ters can be coor­di­na­ted via the press office. During the fes­ti­val week, a mem­ber of the press office staff will be available for your enqui­ries during the ope­ning hours of the fes­ti­val cen­ter. 

Press & public relations

Katharina Popp
Tel.: +49 69 961 220 314

LUCAS Trennung

Picture material

The DFF pro­vi­des pho­to mate­ri­al for jour­na­lists in a pass­word-pro­tec­ted down­load area. Please note the copy­right. 

For the pass­word ask:
If you have any ques­ti­ons or mate­ri­al request, plea­se send us an e‑mail.

To down­load the images, plea­se click on the icon. The image will then open in a new win­dow, and you can copy it to your com­pu­ter by cli­cking on the right mou­se but­ton then /save as/. 

Logo (png)

LUCAS Trennung


Pressemitteilungen 2020

PM / 01.10.2020
LUCAS-Gewinnerfilme 2020 (ACHTUNG Sperrfrist)

PM / 24.09.2020
Startschuss bei LUCAS (ACHTUNG Sperrfrist)

PM / 17.09.2020
LUCAS Online // Filmgäste

PM / 10.09.2020
LUCAS Für Fachgäste

PM / 02.09.2020
PK: LUCAS-Filmfestival unter beson­de­ren Bedingungen

PM / 20.08.2020
LUCAS und GOLDENER SPATZ im Kino und online

PM / 19.08.2020
Anmeldestart: Programm

PM / 22.07.2020
LUCAS im KiKA KINO Festival

PM / 10.07.2020
LUCAS prä­sen­tiert KRASS gegen HASS

PM / 24.06.2020
Online-Filmreihe / LUCAS fei­ert Global Pride

PM / 15.06.2020
Junge LUCAS-Juror/innen 2020