
Ticket Prices in Cinemas


2,00 €  for owners of a Frankfurt Pass up to 20 years of age
4,00 €  for young film lovers up to 20 years of age, indi­vi­du­als with a seve­re disa­bi­li­ty, hol­ders of the Frankfurt Pass older than 20 years or of the Kinocard, mem­bers of the freun­de des DFF
6,00 €  redu­ced admis­si­on fee for adults: pupils, trai­nees, stu­dents (not for stu­dents of the University of the Third Age, U3L) and unem­ploy­ed people
8,00 €  adults

Free admis­si­on is gran­ted to mem­bers of the Patrons Circle, refu­gees and staff accom­pany­ing school clas­ses and children’s or youth groups of ten or more. Young film fans cele­bra­ting their 18th bir­th­day this year can watch all films in the »Youngsters« com­pe­ti­ti­on free of char­ge with the KulturPass.

Tickets for all DFF events are available at the ticket coun­ter of the DFF. Other venues offer tickets start­ing 30 minu­tes befo­re a scree­ning. 


3,50 €ear­ly boo­king pri­ce for groups until September 30, 2023 (not included: Caligari FilmBühne)
Staff accom­pany­ing groups of at least ten young film lovers get free admis­si­on (up to three accom­pany­ing per­sons per group, up to two accom­pany­ing per­sons at Caligari FilmBühne). 

Consultation and Booking:
Web: | Phone: 069 961 220 – 678 | cont­act: 

LUCAS Streaming | Online Short Film Program

xclu­si­ve­ly for School Classes and Children or Youth Groups 

10,00 €  for groups of up to ten people
15,00 €  for groups of up to 29 people
20,00 €  for group of over 30 people
Accompanying staff of groups of more than ten peo­p­le recei­ve free admission.

Consultation and Booking at:
Web: | Phone: 069 961 220 678 | Contact: 

LUCAS Trennung


Frequently asked questions about the festival

Dear film lovers, tea­chers, edu­ca­tors and parents,

this year all LUCAS films can be expe­ri­en­ced in the cine­ma. In addi­ti­on to the cine­ma, the­re is the pos­si­bi­li­ty exclu­si­ve­ly for school clas­ses or groups of child­ren and young peo­p­le to watch the short films of the com­pe­ti­ti­ons via LUCAS strea­ming in the class­room or other sui­ta­ble group rooms. This is pos­si­ble from the cine­ma pre­mie­re of the respec­ti­ve pro­grams until December 23.

How does it work?


Cinema for Groups and School Classes

How can I book a film for a group?

Either via our boo­king tele­pho­ne (+49 69 961 220 – 678), by wri­ting an e‑mail to or via the fes­ti­val web­site.

Until when can I book a scree­ning in the cine­ma for my group?

Until September 30, 2023.

Can I book cine­ma visits for groups after September 30?

Only after con­sul­ta­ti­on by pho­ne, as the allot­ments are limited.

Do all stu­dents need their own ticket and how much does it cost?

The cine­ma ticket cos­ts € 3.50 per stu­dent, with a dis­count for ear­ly boo­kers until September 30, and € 4.00 the­re­af­ter. Up to three tea­chers can attend free of char­ge, or more after consultation.

Which pay­ment methods can I use to buy tickets?

Groups: For all scree­nings* that are boo­ked via the LUCAS office by invoice with Paypal or bank trans­fer. Alternatively you can pay in cash at the LUCAS box office in the respec­ti­ve cine­ma (up to 30 — 15 minu­tes befo­re the start of the scree­ning) or at any time for scree­nings at the DFF cine­ma at the DFF box office (cash or with EC card) during DFF ope­ning hours. Tel. 069 961 220–678 | Mail:

*Exception Caligari FilmBühne on SA, October 7, and SU, October 8: tickets at the box office of the Caligari FilmBühne and online.

Individuals: Cash at the LUCAS box office at the respec­ti­ve cine­ma (30 — 15 minu­tes befo­re the start of the scree­ning). For scree­nings at the DFF cine­ma online (via Klarna, Paypal or cre­dit card) or at the DFF box office during DFF ope­ning hours (cash or EC card).

How big can the group be?

Group boo­kings are pos­si­ble from 10 per­sons. The limit is the num­ber of seats available.

I have boo­ked scree­ning in the cine­ma for a group. What hap­pens next?

First you will recei­ve a boo­king con­fir­ma­ti­on from us by mail. If desi­red, you will recei­ve an invoice, other­wi­se you pay 30 — 15 minu­tes befo­re the start of the scree­ning on site at the box office.

Are the­re sub­tit­les and/or dub­bing for non-German films?

All non-German films have eit­her German or English sub­tit­les. Films up to and inclu­ding an age recom­men­da­ti­on of “13 years and older” have a German voice-over.

Cinema on Demand | Competition Program in Cinemas

What does Cinema on Demand mean?

We will pro­vi­de your group with a movie thea­ter at your pre­fer­red time on the mor­nings of October 5 to 12 and screen the com­pe­ti­ti­on film of your choice for you. The offer is inten­ded for groups of 30 to 50 peo­p­le. The cine­ma halls are allo­ca­ted accor­ding to the chro­no­lo­gi­cal order of bookings.

Which films can be selected?

You can sel­ect films from the »Kids«, »Teens« and »Youngsters« com­pe­ti­ti­ons (sub­ject to availability).

How lar­ge can a group be?

The offer is aimed at groups of 30 to 50 people.

What are the available dates?

Various time slots are available on mor­nings from October 5 to 12, 2023. Please cont­act us! The offer can be boo­ked exclu­si­ve­ly on cer­tain dates during the fes­ti­val week at Cinéma.


Tel. 069 961 220 – 678 | |

Cinema Tickets for Individuals

How can I buy cine­ma tickets?

Online or at the box office of the DFF (cash or EC card).

The online pre­sa­le of cine­ma tickets at the DFF’s cine­ma are hand­led by our part­ner Cinetixx: In the pro­gram over­view, you can click on “Buy now” under the film scree­ning of your choice to sel­ect the num­ber of tickets you want and the pri­ce cate­go­ry (regu­lar, redu­ced); pay­ment is pos­si­ble by cre­dit card, Paypal or instant bank trans­fer. Online tickets can be purcha­sed up to half an hour befo­re the start of the screening.

For reser­va­tions for both fami­lies and indi­vi­du­als, call +49 69 961 220 – 220 or send an e‑mail to, key­word: LUCAS.

LUCAS-Streaming | Online

LUCAS-Streaming for Groups

What are the tech­ni­cal requi­re­ments for LUCAS-Streaming?

PC (Windows 7 and newer) or Mac (macOS 10.12.1 and newer)
Google Chrome as of ver­si­on 75
Mozilla Firefox from ver­si­on 68 (with the plug­in “Widevine Content Decryption Module” from ver­si­on 4.10.1440.18)
Microsoft Edge as of ver­si­on 44 (on Windows 10)
Safari as of ver­si­on 11.2

at least 2 MBit/s data trans­fer rate for movies in SD qua­li­ty and 6 MBit/ data trans­fer rate for movies in HD quality

How can I book a LUCAS-Streaming movie pro­gram for a group?

Either via the boo­king pho­ne: (+49 69 961 220 – 678), by wri­ting an e‑mail to or via the fes­ti­val web­site.

Until when can I book LUCAS strea­ming film pro­grams as a group

Booking only until December 15, wat­ching is still pos­si­ble inclu­ding December 23, 2023. We ask for your under­stan­ding that after the fes­ti­val the lead time will be a bit longer.

Can I book LUCAS strea­ming for groups after December 15?

Unfortunately, this is not possible.

Do all stu­dents need their own tickets and how much does it cost?

When boo­king as a group/class, the­re is a sin­gle code that is used for joint vie­w­ing. Group pri­ces are staggered:

10,00 €  for groups of up to ten persons
15,00 €  for groups of up to 29 persons
20,00 €  for groups of more than 30 persons

Which pay­ment methods can I use to buy tickets?

Paypal and bank trans­fer. You will recei­ve an invoice in both cases.

How big can the group be?

Group boo­kings are pos­si­ble from 10 persons.

Can I watch short films from the film pro­gram individually?

Yes, you can watch the short films in the cura­ted order as an omni­bus film, or each short film individually.

Can the indi­vi­du­al short films be wat­ched mul­ti­ple times?

Yes, you can watch the films mul­ti­ple times with the class until December 23, 2023.

When can I watch the short film programs?

LUCAS strea­ming is available from the thea­tri­cal pre­mie­re of each pro­gram through December 23, 2023 via DFF Kino+.

How much time do I have to watch the film pro­gram once I have purcha­sed it?

From the first release of the film pro­gram, you have time until December 23, 2023. LUCAS wants to enable tea­chers to show indi­vi­du­al short films repea­ted­ly in class.

In which count­ries can I watch the films?

Only in Germany.

I have boo­ked a film pro­gram for a group. What hap­pens next?

First you will recei­ve a boo­king con­fir­ma­ti­on from us by mail and then an invoice. In the next step you will recei­ve the code. This usual­ly hap­pens a short time later, but after the fes­ti­val it can take five working days. You crea­te an account at DFF Kino+. With this code you get access to the pre­vious­ly defi­ned coll­ec­tion of films.

Do I need an account?


Can I dele­te my coo­kies while the movie is playing?


Are the­re sub­tit­les and/or dub­bing for non-German lan­guage films?

All non-German lan­guage films have eit­her German or English sub­tit­les. Films up to and inclu­ding the age recom­men­da­ti­on “From 13 years” have a German voice-over that can be sel­ec­ted or deselected.

Should the­re be any more ques­ti­ons or if you need help choo­sing a film for your group: 

More Info | Consultation | Booking 

pho­ne: 069 961 220 – 678 | 

LUCAS Trennung


Kino des DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Schaumainkai 41, 60596 Frankfurt am Main


How do I get to Kino des DFF via public trans­port? Click here:

Caligari FilmBühne
Marktplatz 9, 65183 Wiesbaden


How do I get to Caligari FilmBühne via public trans­port? Click here:

Rossmarkt 7, 60311 Frankfurt am Main


How do I get to Kino Cinéma via public trans­port? Click here:

Kino im Hafen 2
Nordring 129, 63067 Offenbach


How do I get to Kino im Hafen 2 via public trans­port? Click here:

LUCAS Trennung

Festival Center 

Adresses and Stops

DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Schaumainkai 41, 60596 Frankfurt am Main
U1, U2, U3, U8 | Stop: Schweizer Platz
U4, U5 | Stop: Willy-Brandt-Platz
Straßenbahn 14, 15, 16 | Stop: Gartenstraße
Bus 46 | Stop: Untermainbrücke

Opening Hours

Accreditations can be picked up dai­ly at the info coun­ter during the fes­ti­val. This is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Upon pre­sen­ta­ti­on of an accre­di­ta­ti­on at the box office, free cine­ma tickets are available, pro­vi­ded that the con­tin­gent is sufficient.

DFF box office
During the fes­ti­val week, dai­ly from 8:45 a.m. to 8:45 p.m., except Saturday and Sunday.
Saturday | 10 a.m. — 8:45 p.m
Sunday | 9:45 am — 8:45 pm

Box office other venues
The box offices open 30 minu­tes befo­re the start of each scree­ning. Please make sure to book a reser­va­ti­on beforehand.


The DFF is acces­si­ble for visi­tors with rest­ric­ted mobi­li­ty and for guests with wheel­chairs via a lift at the ent­rance to the right of the muse­um. Elevators in the foy­er pro­vi­de bar­ri­er-free access to all exhi­bi­ti­on flo­ors (1st-3rd flo­or), as well as to the cine­ma on the ground flo­or and the film work­shop and work­shop rooms on the 4th flo­or. There is a sepa­ra­te rest­room for dis­ab­led guests in the base­ment. We offer a wheel­chair for ren­tal. 

More info on acces­si­bi­li­ty at other venues: Accessability

Directions / Google Maps 

How do I get to DFF via public trans­port? Click here: 

LUCAS Trennung


Accreditation of press representatives

You can use this form to make a man­da­to­ry request for your accre­di­ta­ti­on. 

Upon show­ing your accre­di­ta­ti­on card at the LUCAS coun­ter, you will recei­ve free cine­ma tickets as long as the con­tin­gent is suf­fi­ci­ent.  

Please note: Have a sepa­ra­te ticket issued for each event you wish to attend. The accre­di­ta­ti­on pass is only valid in com­bi­na­ti­on with a pho­to ID. Likewise, a vou­ch­er code can be used on the VoD plat­form as long as the con­tin­gent is suf­fi­ci­ent. 

Please direct fur­ther ques­ti­ons to:
Mail: lucas-redaktion@dff-film
Phone: +49 (0)69 961 220 314
Fax: +49 (0)69 961 220 669 

    Notice on data privacy 

    We tre­at your per­so­nal data con­fi­den­ti­al­ly. By regis­tering, you con­sent to the use of your abo­­ve-men­­tio­­ned com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on data in accordance with Art. 6 (1a) DSGVO for the pur­po­ses of gene­ral com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, the for­war­ding of infor­ma­ti­on from us to you and, if appli­ca­ble, for issuing event invi­ta­ti­ons. Our com­ple­te pri­va­cy poli­cy can be found at: You can revo­ke your con­sent com­ple­te­ly or par­ti­al­ly at any time effec­ting the future by sen­ding an email to

    The regis­tra­ti­on is mandatory. 

    Accreditation for industry

    You can make a man­da­to­ry request for accre­di­ta­ti­on using this form. 

    (Accreditation fee: 30.00 € (pay­ment upon pick­up) 

    Upon show­ing your accre­di­ta­ti­on card at the LUCAS coun­ter, you will recei­ve free cine­ma tickets as long as the con­tin­gent is suf­fi­ci­ent.  

    Please note: Have a sepa­ra­te ticket issued for each event you wish to attend. The accre­di­ta­ti­on pass is only valid in com­bi­na­ti­on with a pho­to ID. Likewise, a vou­ch­er code can be used on the VoD plat­form as long as the con­tin­gent is suf­fi­ci­ent. 

    Please direct fur­ther ques­ti­ons to:
    Tel: +49 (0)69 961 220 675
    Fax: +49 (0)69 961 220 669

      Notice on data privacy 

      We tre­at your per­so­nal data con­fi­den­ti­al­ly. By regis­tering, you con­sent to the use of your abo­­ve-men­­tio­­ned com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on data in accordance with Art. 6 (1a) DSGVO for the pur­po­ses of gene­ral com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, the for­war­ding of infor­ma­ti­on from us to you and, if appli­ca­ble, for issuing event invi­ta­ti­ons. Our com­ple­te pri­va­cy poli­cy can be found at: You can revo­ke your con­sent com­ple­te­ly or par­ti­al­ly at any time effec­ting the future by sen­ding an email to

      The boo­king is man­da­to­ry and com­ple­ted only upon pick­up with the pay­ment of an accre­di­ta­ti­on fee of 30,00€.

      Accreditation for students

      You can request bin­ding accre­di­ta­ti­on with this form.
      Accreditation fee: 10,00 € (pay­ment upon pick­up) 

      Upon show­ing your accre­di­ta­ti­on card at the LUCAS coun­ter, you will recei­ve free cine­ma tickets as long as the con­tin­gent is suf­fi­ci­ent.

      Please note: Have a sepa­ra­te ticket issued for each event you wish to attend. The accre­di­ta­ti­on pass is only valid in com­bi­na­ti­on with a pho­to ID. Likewise, a vou­ch­er code can be used on the VoD plat­form as long as the con­tin­gent is suf­fi­ci­ent. 

       Please direct fur­ther ques­ti­ons to:
      Tel: +49 (0)69 961 220 675
      Fax: +49 (0)69 961 220 669

        Notice on data privacy 

        We tre­at your per­so­nal data con­fi­den­ti­al­ly. By regis­tering, you con­sent to the use of your abo­­ve-men­­tio­­ned com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on data in accordance with Art. 6 (1a) DSGVO for the pur­po­ses of gene­ral com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, the for­war­ding of infor­ma­ti­on from us to you and, if appli­ca­ble, for issuing event invi­ta­ti­ons. Our com­ple­te pri­va­cy poli­cy can be found at: You can revo­ke your con­sent com­ple­te­ly or par­ti­al­ly at any time effec­ting the future by sen­ding an email to

        The boo­king is man­da­to­ry and com­ple­ted only upon pick­up and pay­ment of an accre­di­ta­ti­on fee of 10,00€.

        LUCAS Trennung

        Contact & Team

        Julia Fleißig
        Head of Festival
        Tel.: +49 69 961 220 671

        Olaf Wehowsky
        Festival Manager
        Tel.: +49 69 961 220 673

        Simon Schmidt
        Film Education and School Cooperations
        Tel.: +49 69 961 220 672

        Katharina Popp
        Editorial Office, Public Relations
        Tel.: +49 69 961 220 314

        DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
        Schaummainkai 41
        60596 Frankfurt am Main

        Head of Festival / Artistic Direction: Julia Fleißig

        Festival Management: Olaf Wehowsky

        »Get Involved!«
        Film Education and School Cooperations: Simon Schmidt

        Program Design: Julia Fleißig, Simon Schmidt, Olaf Wehowsky
        In Cooperation with the cine­ma depart­ment of the DFF (Head: Natascha Gikas) and with the depart­ment Film Education and Mediation (Head: Christine Kopf)

        Program Assistants: Feature Film: Lena Gropp | Short Film: Simon Schmidt, Simon Zerfaß

        Selection Committee | Feature Films: Henning Adam, Julia Fleißig, Stefan Stiletto, Kirsten Taylor

        Selection Committee | Short Films: Julia Fleißig, Holger Twele, Dr. Ursula Vossen

        Viewing Committee | Short Films: Wilke Bitter, Phoebe Brownell, Jacqueline Cyll, Wilma Demel, Daniela Fend, Manuel Föhl, Peer Klemke, Olivia Kpalété, Johanna Krompos, Angelo Lo Bello, Lena März, Meghann Munro, Alice Paul, Julia Pietsch, Pascal Porada, Dorothee Stahl, Lara Verschrage

        Coordination of Film Prints: Manuel Föhl, Pascal Porada

        Editorial Office, Public Relations: Katharina Popp

        Head of Public Relations: Frauke Haß

        Authors: Amos Borchert, Ella Brunßen, Jette Evers, Julia Fleißig, Peer Klemke, Johanna Krompos, Katharina Popp, Simon Schmidt, Lena Steinacker, Stefan Stiletto, Kirsten Taylor, Naima Wagner, Rochus Wolff, Olaf Wehowsky

        Jannika Krämer
        Editorial Office: Jette Evers
        Production: Trieu Dao, Bao Chau Ngo, Stephanie Wong
        Film Education: Ella Brunßen, Lena Steinacker
        Guest Services: N.A.
        Online plat­form: Katharina Ewald, Christian Appelt
        Moderation: Nadine Aldag, Joachim Elsler, Manuel Föhl, Florian Höhr, Sarah Peil, Paul Skupin
        Jury sup­port: N.A.
        Volunteers: Alice Paul, Lisa Remeter

        Website: Katharina Popp, Jette Evers

        Translation of Dialog Lists and Voice-over: Hannah Bitzer, Ella Brunßen, Friedrich Brückner, Daniela Fonda, Jannika Krämer, Sabrina Herzog, Jonathan Lutz, Miriam Kammerer, Julia Schmitz, Andreas Schütze, Tommy Stärker

        Additional Material for Film Education:Nadine Aldag, Antje Knapp, Sarah Peil

        Festival Trailer:Janik Damrau, Jakob Kloth; Sound: Holger Jung

        Festival Photography: Oliver Leicht, N.A