Fuck les Gars. CA 2018. Director: Anthony Coveney. 8 Min. Short Film. Suitable from age 12. Recommended from age 13.

Anaïs, 6th gra­de, is pissed off: Her boy­fri­end breaks up with her, she has to lis­ten to stu­pid macho remarks and she is also out of the bas­ket­ball group. Screw the boys! (WB)


In September LUCAS orga­ni­zes an audio descrip­ti­on work­shop with a school class. The result will be pre­sen­ted to the public during the fes­ti­val week. All clas­ses from gra­de 7 are wel­co­me. Registration requi­red, free admis­si­on! In the work­shop, stu­dents will deve­lop an audio descrip­ti­on for the LUCAS short film FUCK LES GARS. Blind and visual­ly impai­red DIALOGMUSEUM staff will be invol­ved in the pro­cess. The stu­dents think about their approach tog­e­ther and wri­te a text, which they record them­sel­ves with pro­fes­sio­nal equip­ment. In this way, the school class will chan­ge their per­spec­ti­ve and get to know the pecu­lia­ri­ties of the film expe­ri­ence that ari­se for affec­ted peo­p­le. During the fes­ti­val week, the class then pres­ents the short film with the rea­li­zed audio descrip­ti­on. The scree­ning is inten­ded to bring tog­e­ther peo­p­le with and wit­hout visu­al impairm­ents in the cine­ma audi­to­ri­um. The idea is to crea­te a dia­lo­gue about the clas­s’s expe­ri­ence with crea­ting the audio descrip­ti­on and, of cour­se, with the audi­ence about the film and the dif­fe­rent way of per­cei­ving it. This work­shop is made pos­si­ble by the sup­port of the city of Frankfurt, the Patrons Circle of the DFF and by the sound stu­dio FunDeMental. We thank the asso­cia­ti­on Freund:innen der Realität.

Dates and Cinema Tickets
WE, Oct. 11 | 9:15 a.m. | DFF Cinema
Free Entry!

lucas-info@dff.film, Key Word: “Audiodeskription”
069 961 220 – 678

This scree­ning is part of the coope­ra­ti­on with the DIALOGMUSEUM Frankfurt.

Extras and Get Involved!

LUCAS im Kino
